Mirpur Ceramic Works Ltd. to build on a foundation that been impacting nationally and internationally for over 60 years. It is the place to learn, grow and contribute. We are always looking to innovate and leave lasting positive influence on our customers, our people and community.
Be part of a team driving for business results through new ideas, collaboration and inclusion. You will work with closely knit teams and avail benefit that will acknowledge your hard work and support the achievement of those results.
If you are looking to make your mark in the Bangladesh ceramic industry than surely Mirpur Ceramic Works Ltd. is the right place for you.
Our current opportunities are advertised on bdjobs.com,If you wish to apply directly; please send us your resume/CV through the bellow form.
To review our current opportunities and apply for a position with Khadim ceramics Ltd please follow the link below:
Current opportunities
Terms and Condition for our One Day Training Program:
• Individuals of Architecture or Civil or Engineering or Ceramic background of any University or Institutions will be accepted in MCWL Factory for One Day Training Program in the month of January every year.
• Individuals or Institutions can apply from February till August of a calendar year, for the training session of the following year’s month of January.
• Written request from the Applicants have to come first to our factory management to accord its approval.
• Each candidate has to strictly follow the rules and regulations regarding safety, security and maintain confidentiality given by the Factory Management.
• Maximum of thirty candidates will be accommodated per training session.
• Training session will consist of forty minutes of theoretical knowledge and two hours of practical site visit.
* Only three applications will be accepted each year on the basis of first come first.
For query and application, Please email us through the bellow form –
Terms and Condition for Internship Program:
• Two students each year will be given the opportunity for his or her internship program of two to three months period.
• Applicants can apply from February till August of a calendar year for the following year’s Winter (January – March) or Summer (June – August) session.
• Each student has to strictly follow the rules and regulations regarding safety, security and maintain confidentiality given by the Management, during their internship period.
*All applications will be accepted on the basis of first come first.
For query and application, Please email us through the bellow form –